
Volunteer Opportunities

Our volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Whether you have an hour or a day to spare, your time and skills can make a significant impact. Ongoing opportunities for groups and individuals include:

Volunteers that have a particular talent or area of expertise can conduct classes or activities that might address special interests for our residents that support program goals.

Apply Today!


Complete the online volunteer application below or obtain a paper by request at Central Control here at The Kearney Center.


Use Sign-Up to reserve your spot on the volunteer calendar.

For questions about volunteering, please contact volunteer@cesctlh.org.

Court-Ordered Community Service

Community service shifts are available for those who have hours to be worked by court order. For additional details, court ordered volunteers are required to attend orientation offered Monday-Thursday at 3pm. 

Paperwork that reflects assignment to The Kearney Center and a government issued ID are required to participate in orientation. 

Email info@cesctlh.org or call (850) 792-9000 ext. 140 for more information.